Cookie Policy



We, Thobestop (Clothing) Limited t/a, use cookies and tracking technologies on our website ( By using our website, you consent to the use of cookies and the tracking technologies in place.

With this Cookies Policy we would like to give you as much information as possible (and as clear as possible) on what cookies are, how we use them, how third-parties we partner with use cookies on our website and your options regarding cookies.

We are legally obligated to inform you that our website uses cookies and we are required to gain your consent - that’s the law. We do this via a pop-up message which appears when you visit our website for the first time. After you click the “accept” button on the pop-up, we place a cookie on your device and that’s how we know that you have acknowledged the cookie policy…and that’s how the website knows not to show it to you again. This is a great example of how cookies work in real life!

What are cookies?

Regrettably, these are not the kind of cookies that we can eat! Cookies, also known as browser cookies/tracking cookies, are small, often encrypted text files, located in your web browser’s directory.

A cookie file is normally stored on your device and allows our website and our third-party partners to recognise you, your preferences so we can make your browsing experience more personalised. It enables us to serve tailored ads and gives us analytical data on how you use our website including which pages you visit, which products you look at and where you like to spend most of your time on our website. This helps us invest in the right products, creatives and so we can try our best to serve you a relevant content to your liking. We also use tracking technologies to decide what products and offers to show you on the third party advertising networks that we work with.

How does our website use cookies?

 When you use and access our website, we may place a number of cookies in the web browser of your device.

This enables certain functions of our website and provides analytical data for our marketing team to make personalised ads and content for you. It also helps us store your personal preferences for your convenience.

What are third-party cookies?

In order to give you a great browsing and shopping experience, and help our marketing, content and our product team, we partner with trusted software companies which deliver services that require the use of cookies. It’s important to mention that we do not have a direct control over these cookies but their websites have very detailed information on what these cookies are and the way they work. These are, for example, advertising networks, such as Google and Facebook, or other analytical service providers such as Google Analytics and Hotjar. We use Shopify to power our website, the software which holds all our product information, pictures, banners, personal data and takes care of all our payments – Shopify places number of important cookies on your device to function properly.

Below is the list full list of all third parties which use cookies on our website:

- Shopify (the mothership of our website)

- Google Analytics (tells us about everything you do on our website)

- Oracle (Netsuite) Bronto (collects emails, sends you reminders if you forget products in your cart and sends you tailored offers by email as long as you are a subscribed member)

- Hotjar (shows us everything that our customers do on our website anonymously, so don’t worry, we will never know who was the person that looked at the BRITNEY bodysuit for 2 hours)

- (takes care of our popups)

- Google (lets you reach us, lets us reach you)

- Facebook (lets us show you ads on Facebook and Instagram)

- Klarna

In order to be able to offer you Klarna’s payment options, we will pass to Klarna certain aspects of your personal information, such as contact and order details, in order for Klarna to assess whether you qualify for their payment options and to tailor the payment options for you.

General information on Klarna you can find here.

Your personal data is handled in accordance with applicable data protection law and in accordance with the information in Klarna's privacy policy.

What are your options regarding cookies, can you live without them?

Of course! If you’d like to delete your cookies or set up your web browser to delete or reject the use of cookies, you can do this from the settings of your browser. Normally, this information is available in the help section of most browsers.

It is, however, important to note that if you remove the cookies from your device or refuse to accept them, you may not be able to use the full range of features and services we offer, some of the pages may not display correctly and you may not be able to save your personal preferences. And sadly, we wouldn’t be able to serve you tailored content or ads.

Where can you find more information about cookies?

There are a lot of amazing website telling you all about cookies and how they work. We find this website very useful and have read it ourselves many times:

Last updated 21 December 2022